Todd White: Kenneth Copeland Is One of the Kindest People I’ve Met


Todd White says that people stopped giving to his church when they realized he was friends with Kenneth Copeland. Many Christians think Copeland is a false prophet, so White felt the need to address that, exclaiming he’s not going to bash someone else in the body of Christ like some do.

“What people don’t know is Kenneth has donated more than $70 million to Reinhard [Bonnke]’s ministry,” White says. “They’ve seen more than 80 million people saved in the African Crusades over the last 40 years. … [Kenneth] is labeled a prosperity preacher and one of the worst people on the face of the planet by a lot of the body of Christ. He’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. You look into his eyes up close and it’ll freak you out because you will see real faith in his eyes.”

White tells about a time he went to visit Copeland’s property to hear stories from him about how God blessed and spoke to him. To watch the entire video, click here.


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