R. Loren Sandford Calls Nation to Prayer in the Midst of Contested Election


I’m actually trying to be nice in what I’m about to say today. I’m trying to stay balanced. I want to present strategies for prayer that most of us who call ourselves Christian on all sides of the issues can own, even if we disagree.

In the aftermath of Nov. 3, many of us evangelical Christians, convinced that Donald Trump is God’s man and that the election is shot through with voter fraud and corruption, have been praying for a specific outcome for the filings, recounts and court cases. If you are not aware because the mainstream media isn’t telling you, the key and most substantive cases are being filed over the course of the next few days. It’s far from over.

Other people on the other side of the issue deny that there were any problems at all with the election and exhort the rest of us to simply graciously accept what appears to be the outcome of the election. Whatever side we’re on, we all pray accordingly for the outcome we envision.

Watch this video for more information and pray God’s will to be done in this election.


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