Modest Is Hottest, Says Matthew West in Sincere Satire


Raising daughters in a world too focused on outward appearances is a battle singer-songwriter Matthew West is just starting to fight.

The father of two took to social media to proclaim a familiar message to the masses on how to represent Christ well as a daughter of the King: “Modest is hottest.”

West, who created semi-serious satires “Quarantine Life” and “Gobble Gobble” in the past, used the music video trend to teach his daughters a critical message.

“The boys are coming around,” West sings to his daughters. “And it’s all your mother’s fault.”

His solution to keeping the boys at bay? Turtlenecks and sensible slacks.

He posted on Facebook ahead of the music video release that while the song is meant to be lighthearted, there is a heartfelt message for his girls behind it. “This song is my ridiculously silly way of reminding them that their appearance doesn’t define them,” he wrote.

Watch the full music video here for more of West’s tips on how to best encourage teenagers to dress modestly.


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