What You Really Need in Order to Fulfill Your Resolution to Quit Porn


Business Insider tells us what all that dusty gym equipment already knew: A full 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.

With nearly seven out of 10 men in the church viewing porn on a regular basis according to a Pure Desire survey of churches, there is a desperate need for men to understand the battle they are up against. Many churchgoing men who love the Lord and desire to serve Him are looking for a way out.

Yet, just as statistics show, most men who make a New Year’s resolution to never watch porn again find themselves back on the same websites in no time. That’s because of this simple truth: Willpower won’t fix it!

It’s not about loving Jesus more, praying more, or being more disciplined.

It’s not a battle of the will. It’s a battle of the brain.

Do It the Right Way in 2020, Start a Process

Thousands of churches are stepping forward and offering the Conquer Series to give their men a fighting chance in the battle against sexual sin. You can join 1,000,000 men in over 70 countries who have learned to move beyond just “not watching porn” to living a transformed life with the Conquer Series.

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