Donald Trump

Trump: Obama’s Foreign Policy is a Disaster


Speaking on Monday to a standing-room-only crowd at Liberty University’s Vines Center, business mogul Donald Trump said that President Barack Obama’s foreign policy is a total disaster and has led to American weakness.

Trump said that the media continues to affirm the “Teflon President” for his foreign policies despite his many failures.

“The world is laughing at us,” he said. “We just seem to have lost our edge.”

Trump pointed out that presidents and dictators from around the world are meeting this week in New York at the United Nations General Assembly, but Obama will not be meeting with one foreign leader. The United States paid billions to secure Iraq from al-Qaida, but they hate us for it.

Trump pointed to the president’s unsuccessful trip to Europe to secure Chicago as an Olympics venue, our failed relations with Egypt regardless of $1.5 billion a year of U.S. foreign aid, and the president’s dependence on foreign oil, despite the fact that we have discovered enough oil and natural gas in the United States that we could be exporting it and paying off our debt. Trump pointed to the failed foreign policies in Libya that left our Ambassador and other Americans dead.

“The Obama administration tried to blame the uprising at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on an anti-Islam video, but intelligence is telling a much different story,” says Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel Action and dean of Liberty University School of Law.

There was not a “spontaneous” uprising as the Obama administration reported, but the area was quiet before the 9:35 p.m. planned assault on Sept. 11—the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The State Department was reportedly warned of the attack on Sept. 10.

Calling Liberty University “an amazing school,” Trump said, “I see the way Liberty University has been run. I’ve seen where you came from, and how it was a struggle, and how it is right now. Our country has the same potential.”

Citing the elections of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Trump called Nov. 6, “the most important election in American history.”


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