This Is the Most Important Thing We Can Do for America Now


This Thursday, May 3, 2018, will be the 35th annual National Day of Prayer. Liberty Counsel representatives are attending several of the events this week in Washington D.C. There are more than 35,000 organized events on Thursday, and several million people are expected to participate in small towns, cities, and state capitals across America.

This past Sunday, Greg Cox, vice president of constituency affairs, kicked off the Bible Reading Marathon in front of the capitol building by reading from the German translation of the book of Genesis. Every minute of the day and night leading up to the National Day of Prayer, clergy and others will read the Scriptures in multiple languages in front of the U.S. Capitol.

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, will participate this Thursday in the National Day of Prayer by leading a prayer for the judicial branch of government in Washington, D.C.

One of Liberty Counsel’s many ministries is the Liberty Prayer Network, has participated in a continuous 24/7 prayer conference line since November 2016. This week’s focus is on the National Day of Prayer.

“Our nation is in desperate need of prayer,” Staver says. “The Bible says, ‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.’ It is fitting that unity is the focus of this year’s call to prayer. I encourage you to join millions around the country asking for God’s help, wisdom for the future, forgiveness for sins and unity for our nation.

“Before the founding of our nation, there was a call to prayer in 1775. Our Founding Fathers asked for wisdom in establishing a fair government. Later they battled an almost insurmountable division. The large states wanted the legislature to represent the population and the little states wanted equal representation for each state. This conflict almost prevented our nation’s unity and very existence. It brought our Founding Fathers to their knees again, and the eventual compromise resulted in creating both the Senate and House. It is fitting that this week—as our nation faces moral depravity, racial tensions and political disagreements—that we come together once again on our knees and ask for unity.”

“Mobilizing unified public prayer for America may be the most important thing we can do right now,” said Dr. Ronnie Floyd, president of the National Day of Prayer. “America is broken. Division is undeniable. Racial tension is alarming. Lawlessness abounds. Reconciliation appears impossible. The National Day of Prayer in America is needed now more than ever before in our nation’s history. {eoa}

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