This Could Signal the Biggest Factor in the Midterm Elections


More big news about the U.S. economy came out Friday morning—yet another very positive development for American workers.

In the latest sign of an ongoing surge in growth, U.S. employers added 201,000 jobs in August. Economists say it’s a sign of confidence that consumers and businesses will keep spending, despite worries about ongoing U.S. trade disputes.

Also Friday, the Labor Department reports that the U.S. unemployment rate is holding steady at 3.9 percent, near an 18-year low.

The news is a boost for President Trump who has taken some hits this week—from a new book alleging a chaotic White House to an op-ed in the New York Times from an anonymous Trump senior staffer.

It’s why he’s keeping with a positive message on the economy; one that both he and his aides think could make a difference in this fall’s midterm elections.

He highlighted it Thursday night at a rally in Montana. “Thanks to Republican leadership, our economy is booming like never before,” the president emphasized. “We’ve created over 4 million new jobs since the election and lifted almost 4 million Americans off of food stamps.”

The economy is an easy sell right now for the administration. Some of the key talking points, like this morning’s new numbers, are indisputable. {eoa}

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