Iron Dome at Night

Senators Boldly Defy Obama’s Middle East Agenda


A bipartisan group of senators has pushed an increase in spending on Israeli missile defense in defiance of President Obama’s Middle East agenda.

The Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved the measure, which will provide $600 million in funding for Fiscal Year 2017, which is $113 million more than FY 2016 and $454 million—or roughly four times—more than what the president had requested.

The bipartisan effort was led by U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), a staunch supporter of Israel in Congress, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). Earlier this year, they encouraged 28 of their fellow senators to sign a letter urging the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Chairman Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Ranking Member Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) urging full funding for all three cooperative missile defense programs, as well as for the successful Iron Dome system, amid growing rocket and missile threats to Israel.

President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and the Islamic Republic’s test-firing of ballistic missiles since the agreement was drafted, have prompted the bipartisan focus on Israel’s self-defense and security.

Full funding for the Arrow System Improvement Program, Arrow III upper tier interceptor, and David’s Sling allows Israel to protect itself not only from short-range threats along its border, but also from mid-range and long-range threats.  In addition to the extra defensive capabilities for Israel, this program also provides better data and technology for the U.S. to use in its own national security programs.

“This critical defense bill fully funds U.S.-Israel missile defense programs, which have an indisputable record of saving countless innocent lives,” Kirk said. “I will keep working with Senator Gillibrand to champion this funding and urge our colleagues to vote for ensuring Israel, a democracy and our closest ally in the Middle East, has the strongest capabilities to defend herself against rocket and missile threats from Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists as well as Iran’s terror-sponsoring regime.”

In FY 2015, Kirk and Gillibrand led the effort in Congress to fully fund $620 million for this purpose. In FY 2016, the programs were fully funded at $487 million.

“I’m pleased that full funding for cooperative U.S-Israel missile defense programs has cleared this key hurdle and is now headed to the Senate floor for a vote,” Gillibrand said. “Israel should have all the resources necessary to protect its citizens from the range of threats it faces.

“Iron Dome, David’s Sling and the Arrow programs are critical resources to help Israel protect itself and fully funding these programs not only benefits Israeli security but also U.S. national security. As this measure heads to the Senate floor for a vote, I’m urging all my colleagues to vote yes and fully fund these critical programs.”


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