Samuel Rodriguez Praises Trump, Legislators for Making Dreamers a Priority


Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, commends President Trump and Senate and Congressional leaders of both parties for yesterday’s historic meeting on immigration reform:

“What we saw take place on camera, for nearly an hour today, on the topic of Dreamers and immigration reform, was extraordinary,” Rodriguez said. “It’s also exactly how the American people have always hoped Washington could operate, through honest, bipartisan debate, coupled with a genuine willingness to make progress on the most important issues of our day.

“I commend President Trump’s handling of today’s meeting and am greatly encouraged by his stated desire to sign whatever legislation both parties agree to. We also commend congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle who have made Dreamers a top legislative priority in the weeks ahead. The NHCLC also supports the two-phase approach to immigration reform discussed at today’s meeting, ensuring Dreamers and border security are addressed before DACA’s March expiration, followed by a more comprehensive overhaul of our antiquated immigration system.

Rodriguez said DACA recipients can be hopeful going forward that our government will not only bring attention to their plight but will move as quickly as possible on their behalf.

“Today was a great day for not only the president, but for leaders of both parties who inspired our collective trust in the political process. Most importantly, today was a great day for the hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who are one step closer to a legislative solution that will secure their futures in this country.

“We at the NHCLC will continue to monitor the situation as it develops, holding all politicians present accountable to the promises they made to the American public.” {eoa}


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