John Kasich

Was John Kasich’s Fall Cemented in Milwaukee Debate?


Jeb Bush may not have had the best performance during Tuesday night’s primetime debate showing, but he avoided the distinction of the worst, with Ohio Governor John Kasich easily snagging that spot.

Kasich, who was situated near the end of the debate stage following several weeks of poor showings in the polls, often appeared petulant and unprepared, bashing debate moderators when he thought he had been snubbed on time, and talking over opponents to push his point.

“Can we comment on that … Can we comment on that,” Kasich asked the moderators, muscling in for a chance to comment on Donald Trump’s immigration policy.

At another point, Kasich interrupted Jeb Bush for a chance to speak, despite Bush not yet having been given the opportunity to field a question. Bush responded in an uncharacteristic moment of snappiness, saying:

“I got about four minutes in the last debate. I’m going to get my question right now,” according to a Washington Post transcript.

Despite a brief moment of celebrity early on in the race, Kasich’s progress has stagnated as he has failed to establish a connection with a significant block of voters.

A Nov. 10 poll shows Kasich with just over 2 percent of possible Republican support. {eoa}
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