Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Unveils Impressive Michigan Leadership Team


Monday, on the eve of the Michigan Primary, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) unveiled an impressive state leadership team with endorsements from several conservative legislative leaders.

The new additions include:

  • U.S. Rep. Justin Amash
  • State Senator Patrick Colbeck
  • Former State Senator Bruce Patterson
  • State Representative Lana Theis
  • State Representative Joel Johnson
  • State Representative Gary Glenn
  • State Representative Ray Franz
  • State Representative Tom Hooker
  • Former State Representative Fulton Sheen

“I am thrilled to announce the addition of such outstanding conservative legislators to our Michigan leadership team,” Cruz said. “These courageous conservatives are coalescing behind our campaign because the people of Michigan are tired of career politicians in Washington and want someone who has a record of fighting for our values and the Constitution.”

The endorsements expand the Michigan Leadership team to over 100 members, including county chairs in all 83 counties and faith leaders from all across the state. Over 4,000 volunteers have signed up to help with the campaign.


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