Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz: ‘If We Unite, We Win’


Presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) spoke with reporters from TIME magazine just before his victory Tuesday in the Wisconsin Primary.

The topic of the interview was his ability to unite the various factions of the Republican Party. In it, he shared what he believes is the way his campaign can win both the GOP nomination and the general election in November.

“This race is very simple,” he said. “If we unite, we win. If we do not, we lose.

“I believe the path to winning the Republican nomination and winning the general election is standing up for hardworking men and women of America who have been left behind by Washington.”

In an excerpt from that article, the Cruz campaign’s effort to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat is explained:

His aides are confident that around 200 Trump delegates will swing to Cruz after the first ballot.

In Virginia, where Cruz finished a distant third, the campaign is hustling to install supporters in the state’s 13 at-large delegate slots. In Louisiana, Cruz is set to pick up as many as 10 more delegates than Trump, despite losing the Bayou State primary by four points.

In a show of organizational muscle, 18 of 25 delegates elected at the North Dakota state convention backed Cruz. In Georgia, where Cruz finished a distant third, his allies have dominated preference polls of the party activists showing up at precinct and county meetings.

“We’re going to make sure we get dealt four aces,” says a member of Cruz’ delegate operation. “You don’t just want Cruz supporters. You want fighters. At the national convention, there will be more browbeating and arm twisting than you can imagine.”

One of the reporters who interviewed Cruz, Michael Scherer, has in turn been interviewed by MSNBC’s Morning Joe program about the strength of the Texas senator’s national organization.

“There is little mystery about who has the best operation for wrangling, recruiting and securing delegates From Tennessee to Colorado, Cruz’s delegate-hunting operation has dominated,” he said. “When he says, ‘I am the principled conservative,’ that is true, he is the principled conservative. There’s no wavering there.”


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