Ted Cruz speaking at a campaign event earlier this year.

Ted Cruz Gets Major Endorsement in Missouri


Republican presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz received the endorsement Monday of one of Congress’ strongest advocates for conservative principles of fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, and protecting the unborn.

U.S. Rep. Sam Graves, an eight-term Republican from Missouri, said he has personally witnessed Cruz stand up and fight for the issues that matter the most to conservatives, “even when it wasn’t popular in Congress.” He said Cruz never wavered, always stood on principle, and always put the American people first.

“That is the kind of leadership we need at this critical time for our country,” he said. “As threats emerge—from ISIS to Russia to the Iranian nuclear program—we need a president with the resolve to defend our country and not back down. We must secure our borders and restore the rule of law, and more than anyone running, Ted Cruz has fought to make this nation secure, while protecting our constitutional rights. I proudly endorse Ted Cruz for president.”

Graves was one of only a few members of Congress to vote against all the Bush stimulus packages and bailouts, while supporting tax cuts for middle-class families. He also has fought tirelessly to protect veterans, improve border security and ensure our military has the resources it needs to keep America safe. 

Graves also strongly backed the recent push to end taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.

“I am thrilled to have the support of Congressman Graves,” Cruz said. “He is a man of great principle, who has not shied away from taking the unpopular position in Washington if it was for the good of the country. Very few can match his record of fiscal conservatism, including opposing every corporate bailout, or his dedication to the men and women in uniform who serve this country, both retired and active. I look forward to working with him to get our message out in the great state of Missouri and deeply appreciate his support.”


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