Marco Rubio

Senate Colleague Says He’s Backing Marco Rubio


Wednesday afternoon on CNN’s The Lead With Jake Tapper, U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) pledged his support for his Senate colleague, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for the GOP presidential nomination.

“I’m endorsing his candidacy and am very optimistic about his prospects,” Toomey told Tapper.

Asked to explain why, Toomey said the U.S. faces a “huge national security crisis,” with the Middle East as a focal point. Noting there is “tension” all over the world, he said he felt Rubio has demonstrated a clear understanding.

“He’s done the hard work, he’s very knowledgeable, thoughtful, he’s a smart guy,” Toomey said. “He’s demonstrated the leadership. Domestically, I think we’ve sometimes have a crisis of confidence, and Marco has an extraordinary ability, I think, to communicate and to inspire people. I think he’s going to be a really strong leader.”


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