Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio Says This Guy Is a ‘Lunatic’


In his latest campaign ad, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) repeated some of the rhetoric he has used on the campaign trail to identify some of the nation’s biggest foreign policy and national security challenges.

“Today, we face ever growing threats: radical Islamic terror, a lunatic in North Korea, a gangster in Moscow and a president more respectful to the Ayatollah of Iran than the Prime Minister of Israel,” he said in the 30-second spot that will run in all of the early voting states. “Our allies don’t trust us. Our enemies don’t fear us. And the world doesn’t know where America stands. On day one of my presidency, that will change.”

The ad reaffirms Rubio’s hawkish stance on matters of foreign policy and national security, and it continues the attacks on President Obama in both areas. It ends with the following statement:

“[T]he world is a safer place when America is the strongest country on earth.”

The ad launched in New Hampshire on Wednesday, but should be airing in Iowa and South Carolina by week’s end. Meanwhile, Rubio says he will be campaigning in South Carolina on Saturday with stops planned in Easley, Hilton Head and Lexington.


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