Could Joe Biden enter the 2016 presidential election?

It’s Decision Time for Joe Biden


It’s time for Joe Biden to make up his mind.

With the first Democratic presidential debate tomorrow and with Joe Biden finishing up his long weekend in his home state of Delaware (he’s expected back in D.C. on Tuesday), time is running out for the vice president to make up his mind about the 2016 race. More than 10 weeks have passed since that Maureen Dowd column floated the possibility of a Biden run, but he continues to run—or stand—in place.

Now, it’s very likely this was decision weekend for Biden, and either we’ll hear a firm “no” from him in the next 48 to 72 hours, or we’ll see the building blocks of an active campaign (website, staff hires). But what is unsustainable is continued inaction, because it won’t be helping his party (if the Democratic nominee needs to raise $1 billion to compete in the general election in this Super PAC Era, Biden still hasn’t raised a cent); it won’t be helping Hillary Clinton (see the latest CBS poll, which shows her leading Bernie Sanders by 24 points without Biden, but by a smaller amount—19 points—with him included in the contest); and despite experiencing his highest poll numbers during this limbo period, it won’t be helping Biden himself, either (if you want to compete in the early states, build an organization to win and simply meet the upcoming filing deadlines, you’ve got to jump in ASAP).

If he’s a go, he’s got to hop on Air Force Two—ASAP.

The 2016 train took off months ago. If Biden wants to catch up to his fellow Democrats, he’s got to hop on Air Force Two now. And if he’s not ready to make that move, he owes it to his party and its presidential front-runner to end the limbo.

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