Donald Trump

Donald Trump Launches New Radio Ad With Someone Else’s Voice


Donald Trump, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has released a new radio advertisement that is now running in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Unlike other ads that have run on his behalf, however, the businessman’s voice isn’t the dominant feature of the 60-second spot. Instead, the featured speaker is his daughter, Ivanka, who talks about what kind of inspiration her father has been to her and her siblings.

“When I was a young girl, my father, Donald Trump, always told me that I could do anything that I set my mind to, if I coupled vision, determination and hard work,” she said. “He meant it. I consider myself fortunate to have learned from the best, both as an entrepreneur and, most importantly, a parent.”

Ivanka continues, saying her father is a man who is “deeply grounded in tradition,” and that he raised her and her siblings to “work hard and strive for excellence.” She said her father taught them that, in life and in business, respect is earned.

“He has done just that over decades and achieved success at the highest level across multiple industries,” she said. He has employed tens of thousands of people and inspired them to achieve great things.”

Ivanka also noted her father’s somewhat legendary deal-making abilities. Countless times, she said, she watched him make deals that “seemed impossible” to accomplish.

“As president, my father will keep his word,” she said. “He’ll never quit fighting for this country and its future, and he will make America great again.”

As any father would be, Trump said he was proud of his daughter’s effort on the ad:

“My family has been so supportive of me and my candidacy and I am so proud of Ivanka. She is a terrific person, a devoted mother and an exceptional entrepreneur. Ivanka is doing a fantastic job running my company, alongside her brothers, and is building many of my biggest jobs. It is so important to have the support of all of my children and I’m really proud of this ad.”


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