Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

Donald Trump Isn’t Letting Up on Marco Rubio


Donald Trump may have used adjectives like “little” and “lightweight” to describe U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), but that doesn’t mean he’s taking the senator’s home-state primary for granted next week.

Previous polls had the GOP front-runner leading the Republican Party establishment’s last hope by nearly 20 points, but a poll out Monday showed the race may be tightening. And as a result, Trump has rolled out a new 60-second ad titled “Corrupt Marco Rubio.”

In a press release announcing the ad buy, Trump said Rubio has violated numerous campaign promises, including on amnesty, thereby betraying Florida voters. He added that Rubio is well-known in Washington as nothing more than a “yes-man” for his corporate benefactors, and that a vote for Rubio is a vote to put his donors in charge of the country.

“Lightweight Senator Marco Rubio is a dishonest person,” Trump said. “He has cheated with credit cards, and does favors for lobbyists. In my opinion, he is a total crook, and I am doing the people of Florida a great favor by further exposing him.

“In addition to everything else, he is an absentee senator with one of the worst voting records in the history of the United States Senate, instead preferring to spend his time begging for campaign contributions. He takes his orders from the Republican establishment and Super PACs who are spending millions of dollars to keep their puppet alive and well so he will continue to do what they say.

“Former Prosecutor and now Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, exposed him on the debate stage for being what he is—a choke artist. We are now going a step further.”

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