Ted Cruz

Christians Leaders Say This Is Why They’re Backing Ted Cruz


Thursday evening, presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) revealed the endorsements of four more Christian leaders.

The first endorsement came from Dick and Rich Bott, who operate the nation’s largest network of Christian radio stations. The second came from Christian entrepreneurs Jason and David Benham, who have become leading figures in the fight for religious liberty in the U.S.

These leaders expressed why they’re backing Cruz, and why other Christians should follow suit.

“Not since Ronald Reagan has this country seen someone with the ability and the wisdom that Ted Cruz has,” Dick Bott said. “Our listeners are eager to select the next President of the United States—a man of principle, of Christian character, and a proven leader with a record of conservative accomplishment.”

Dick Bott is the chairman and founder of Bott Radio Network, one of the nation’s largest Christian talk networks. In 2008, he was inducted into the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame at the organization’s annual convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Ted Cruz is unwavering in his principles, bold to stand up for what’s right, and unafraid to be politically incorrect.” Rich Bott added. “Ted Cruz is the right man running at the right time. He is an answer to prayer, he is in our prayers, and we believe that he will make an exceptional president.”

Rich Bott serves as CEO and President of Bott Radio Network’s more than 100 broadcast stations in 15 states. They feature Christian teachers such as Dr. Chuck Swindoll, John MacArthur, Tony Evans, Jack Graham, Dr. Charles Stanley, R.C. Sproul, Dr. Adrian Rogers, and Chip Ingram, along with “Washington Watch” with Tony Perkins and Dick Bott’s “The Complete Story.”

“I am glad to have the support of Dick and Rich Bott,” Cruz said of their endorsement. “Thousands of Americans have been encouraged by their ministry, broadcasting sound Bible teaching and Christian encouragement into the heartland. Their support is further evidence that, from the ground up, people of faith are answering the call, heading to the polls, and rallying around a consistent conservative who can win.”

In 2014, HGTV canceled a planned reality series, “Flip It Forward,” featuring Jason and David Benham’s home improvement business, after their Christian beliefs came under attack by left-wing organizations. Now, as advocates for religious liberty, David and Jason Benham speak around the nation, calling Christians to “reach out with compassion to all people with the love of Christ while resisting with courage the agenda set against our freedoms and faith.”

“No one leader can make America great again, only God can do that,” the Benhams said in a joint statement endorsing the Texas senator. “Ted Cruz has the humility to understand this truth. At this crossroads in American history, we need a President that acts from the inside out, one who relies on principles not polls, and is grounded in the Constitution, not cultural trends. From protecting religious liberty and preserving family values to rejecting big government and rebuking the ‘establishment,’ Ted Cruz is the convictional leader we desperately need in America today.”

The Benhams are the sons of evangelist “Flip” Benham, who serves as leader of Operation Save America, formerly Operation Rescue, and who famously helped Norma McCorvey—the “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade—commit her life to Christ. After spending a few years in professional baseball, David and Jason Benham launched a real estate company in 2003, and now own several companies and have created hundreds of jobs.

In November, the Benhams joined Cruz to emcee his Rally for Religious Liberty in Greenville, South Carolina.

“David and Jason Benham are the kind of fighters America needs – the happy warriors,” Cruz said, referencing a Wordsworth poem that he often mentions on the campaign trail. “I admire the Benham brothers, their hard work ethic, their sense of humor, and their calm and courageous commitment to their convictions. I’m glad to partner with the Benhams to add more people of faith to our growing coalition.”


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