Ted Cruz

Christian University President Endorses Ted Cruz


Len Munsil, the president of Arizona Christian University in Phoenix and the Republican nominee for governor of Arizona in 2006, announced his support for Ted Cruz for president on Tuesday night.

“At this point in the process, conservatives should unite around the most conservative candidate who can win, and that candidate is Ted Cruz,” Munsil said. “The time is now for conservative Christians to rally around Ted, who gives us the best chance in decades of returning a Reagan conservative to the White House.”

The conservative Christian leader pointed out recent polls that show Cruz would defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election, while Trump would lose. Those same polls also showed Cruz would defeat Trump in a head-to-head matchup.

“Ted has a consistent 20-year record of fighting for life, marriage, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, border security and interior enforcement, and the Constitution,” Munsil concluded. “Trump has recently been on the wrong side of all of these issues, and seemingly discovered conservative ideas only when he decided to run for president. Evangelicals should not be fooled, nor should we be on the sidelines in this pivotal election.”


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