The One Quality Christians Want in the Next House Speaker


Family Research Council President Tony Perkins is a busy man these days. He is hosting his annual political conference, the Values Voters Summit, this weekend, featuring numerous presidential candidates and other pro-life, pro-family leaders. In the midst of his busiest season, he got word on Friday morning that House Speaker John Boehner resigned. When Sen. Marco Rubio announced the news, VVS attendees gave the news a standing ovation. Like a true leader, Perkins looked ahead to the next Speaker, and the qualities that conservative Christians want in a House leader:

“American voters who put the Republican Party into the majority have grown weary of GOP leaders running into these political battles waving a white flag,” Tony Perkins said.

“If Republicans will not fight to end taxpayer funding for an organization that is trafficking in baby body parts, and possibly infanticide, what will they fight for?” he asked.  

“We welcome Republican leadership that understands that some values, like life, religious liberty, and national defense are worth fighting for – no matter what,” Perkins concluded. 


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