2015 politics OhioStatehouse OFCCOhioDOTGov

Ohio Pastors Protection Act Introduced


Ohio State Representative Nino Vitale, R-Urbana, is introducing the Ohio Pastors Protection Act.  This bill is to protect Ohio pastors and churches from being forced to participate in marriages not aligned with their beliefs, and to protect church property. Thank you to these Ohio Representatives who are standing for clergy conscience rights, and have signed on as co-sponsors along with Rep. Nino Vitale: John Becker, Tom Brinkman, Tim Derickson, Bill Hayes, Mike Henne, Brian Hill, Ron Hood, Steve Kraus, Bill Patmon, Rick Perales, Wes Retherford, Lou Terhar, Ron Young and Paul Zeltwanger. Action: If your Representative is not listed here, urge him/her to co-sponsor by this Friday, July 10th. Find your State Representative’s e-mail & phone (by zip code, bottom left) at OhioHouse.gov Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already signed into law a Texas Pastor Protection Act. Note: State Representative Ron Young is introducing a similar bill to protect business owners, and a call for co-sponsors is also out for this bill.

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