Ted Cruz

Former Cruz Campaign Co-Chair: Why I Support Donald Trump


State Sen. Richard Black, the former Virginia state co-chair of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, wrote an open letter to fellow former supporters of the Texas senator on Friday, explaining why he was now voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

In short, he said, there will be only one of two possible outcomes for the general election: Either Donald Trump will win, or Hillary Clinton will win. Here is is full letter:

I worked hard as Co-Chairman of the Ted Cruz for President Campaign. However, the primary is over and we are now in the general election. One of two things will happen:  Either Donald Trump will win or Hillary Clinton will win. The idea that Donald Trump will somehow be removed from the race is an insane notion, promoted by our harshest critics on the left.  Obama has no authority to remove candidates just because he dislikes them.  Maybe he can make the oceans rise, but he can’t choose Republican candidates. 
The next president will select a number of Supreme Court nominees. If Hillary Clinton makes those selections, they will uniformly be Marxists, who will rubber-stamp every decision made by her and her liberal allies. I have no question that Donald Trump will nominate individuals who will be far superior to those of Clinton. 
Hillary is bought and paid for by tyrannical foreign interests. I, for one, am sick of seeing American troops employed as mercenaries for Saudi Arabian tyrants. I’m also sick of foreign trade agreements that gut our towns and cities, leaving American workers on welfare while jobs are shipped overseas. There is no question in my mind that Donald Trump would do a superior job of rectifying this tragic situation. 
America’s southern borders have been left open deliberately so that drug cartels can infect this nation with heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Does anyone imagine for a moment that Hillary Clinton will close the borders? After all of his campaigning, I cannot imagine that Donald Trump will not seal the border effectively. 
By now, I have met all of Donald Trump’s foreign policy team. They are extremely bright and focused on advancing America’s vital national interests. Anyone who has followed Hillary as Secretary of State knows that she is bought and paid for by foreign interests. She will use our defense establishment as a tool to raise cash for her family enterprises, which are totally corrupt.  Her top advisor is Huma Abedin, with close ties to the sinister Muslim Brotherhood.  Hillary’s election guarantees we lose the war on terror and move steadily toward a Wahhabi Islamic state.

While anyone can take potshots at political decisions made by the Trump campaign, one thing is clear: Hillary Clinton will destroy every vestige of freedom remaining in America. I am not willing to have that happen. That is why I support Donald Trump for president of the United States.


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