Women Marines

Women in Combat: Another Issue to Be Decided on Nov. 8


There’s new evidence proving what most of us already knew! Women just can’t perform the tasks that military combat jobs require and don’t want to do them anyway. It has been six months since President Obama opened all combat positions to women. A reporter for the Associated Press managed to get the numbers of women who tried and failed to qualify for combat roles in the Marine Corps.

A grand total of seven female Marines tried out for combat in the first six months, but only one woman passed the grueling physical fitness test. Another 167 women applied for “intelligence, logistics or communications” jobs in combat units, but those jobs don’t require the same level of physical fitness. The AP helpfully explained the math: when six out of seven female recruits failed to pass the test, that’s a female failure rate of 85.7 percent. By comparison, 40 of about 1,500 male recruits failed the same test. That’s a male failure rate of only 2.7 percent.

The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Robert Neller, told the AP how hard it is to open combat to women. To begin with, most female Marines “are not interested at all” in combat roles, but “some [people] want to make it gender-neutral and we’ll just figure it out.”

If only one woman qualifies for combat, apparently the Marine Corps will still assign her to an all-male combat unit. However, they plan to provide a buffer by placing “a female officer and female senior enlisted leader in the unit doing a noncombat job” with less demanding physical requirements.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), a former Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, said, “This is what happens when you have a military decision made for political ends. If women can’t do it, they’ll say it’s not fair” and standards will have to be lowered.

Assigning women to combat positions would be a radical social experiment in the redefinition of gender. However even with studies confirming this point of view, there’s been deafening silence from the media, and Congress hasn’t held a single hearing about it.

This article was originally published at eagleforum.org. Used with permission.


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