Obama More Focused on Elephant Poaching Than Radical Islam During Africa Visit


What will it take for this administration to wake-up? On Saturday, President Obama announced his ‘landmark federal plan’ in Kenya to address the ‘urgent crisis’ of illegal ivory trading in the U.S. While I love elephants, it’s time for Obama to develop a plan to address a crisis that’s ravaging Kenya much more than American ivory traders: radical Islamic jihad. In April, gunmen from Al-Shabaab blasted into a Kenyan university to kill Christians and murdered 147 innocent people. Two years earlier, Islamist radicals from the same group stormed a shopping mall in Nairobi with AK-47s and took the lives of nearly 70 civilians. Americans will never forget al-Qaeda’s 1998 attack on our Embassy in Nairobi that killed 213 people, including 12 American patriots. And that’s just Kenya! From Libya to Nigeria, new terrorist cells are fusing and forming across the African continent each day, yet somehow, President Obama refuses to utter the words “radical Islam.” Today, ISIS is bulldozing through West Africa and building a dangerous allegiance with Boko Haram, which is raping, enslaving, and murdering thousands of Africans. Enough is enough. We need a president with the courage, common sense, and moral clarity to confront, control, and destroy this radical cancer that is ravaging our world.


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