James Robison: Trump a ‘Supernatural’ Answer to Prayer


Leading up to the 2016 presidential election, one of the biggest concerns for American Christians was religious freedom. Under the previous administration, this Constitutional guarantee from our Founding Fathers had slowly—and noticeably—begun to erode.

Believers fervently petitioned God to raise up someone who would champion this issue on their behalf. God responded to their pleas, but not with the person they most expected or were looking for.

Of 17 candidates, many of whom professed Christianity, it was Donald Trump who emerged to not only lead the Republican charge but to defeat Hillary Clinton and become the 45th president of the United States. Some, like evangelist James Robison, say this was a resounding answer to prayer.

In my new book, God and Donald Trump, Robison says God’s elevation of Trump to our nation’s highest office was a miraculous event. This podcast is my actual interview with Robison for the book, slightly edited.

“Donald Trump was a supernatural answer to prayer,” said Robison, a member of Trump’s Faith Advisory Board. “… For the people who were concerned about a government masquerading as God and that it needed to be brought under control, he was their prayer being answered. Most people just never dreamed it would be somebody that was totally disconnected from politics.”

Many didn’t like what Trump said, but others found it bold and refreshing. It especially resonated with the faith community, which had a great deal to lose—especially its religious liberty—if the voters chose Clinton to lead them instead.

Robison himself harbored doubts about Trump until influencers like Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson, both devout Christians, convinced him of Trump’s teachable spirit.

“I was told it was not the way it looks. I was told that he would listen to wisdom,” Robison said. “He needs to walk out the power of Scripture and the truth that wisdom offers. … I’m amazed at the people he has surrounded himself with. God can work through anyone He chooses.”

I want to encourage you to download a sample chapter of the book by clicking here. See our exciting video trailer about the book. I hope it makes you want to purchase it, and I encourage you to preorder it online at Amazon.comChristianBookDistributors.com or BarnesandNoble.com. Of course, you can also order through a local Christian bookstore. These advance sales will help boost the numbers to qualify the book for some of the literary best-seller lists.

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