Believers Nationwide Stand Against Mask Mandate and Forced Shutdowns


There is dramatic pushback against the use of masks. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has made announcements that range from the inadequacy of masks to how they should be required.

Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks, Fauci said in a recent interview, adding that when you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people “feel” a little bit better and might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection people expect.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus, there have been inconsistent rules, which clearly target particular groups. In addition, seeing people in power not wearing masks has caused many to question the true purpose of forced masking of the populace.

The key to using a mask for political control and oppression comes from an interesting source. Author Daniel Greenfield explains, “The burqa is a tool of dehumanization and control. It is part of the larger jihad, which is not just about terrorism, but about the complete subjugation of the entire world and everyone in it, to Sharia Islamic law. In order to reaffirm Islam and the tribal honor of Muslims.”

Just as masks are used to “protect” people from the virus, burqas were ostensibly set up to protect women. Yet, the net effect has been to cause serious physical and mental harm to women who are completely covered and lose all sense of self-worth.

Greenfield goes on to say:

Purdah is the Persian word for the physical imprisonment of the woman in the home behind her curtain. Think of an individual ghetto for the women of every family. That is the essential idea here. Purdah is also the Persian word for the face veil that covers a woman’s face while wearing a Burqa. The word Purdah means curtain. When a woman walks out of the house wearing a Burqa, she is wearing a portable Purdah around herself. She carries the enforced social isolation of it with her.

We use the word “faceless” to describe a condition of enforced anonymity. That is exactly what the Burqa does. It renders an entire gender anonymous. Faceless. And we also connect facelessness to a lack of personal autonomy. Because autonomy is connected to identity. Someone without a face has no identity. Which again is the whole point of creating a mobile Purdah for women using the Burqa. It deprives women of individual social and legal identities, and instead assigns those powers to their male guardians. And since people have to be dehumanized before they can be deprived of their social and legal rights, that is what the Burqa is for.

Bestselling author of God, Trump and the 2020 Election Stephen Strang, says, “As people of faith, we cannot stand by and allow these rights and privileges to be erased. We must stand by and be counted,” reflecting the Scripture in Ezekiel, which says, ‘And you shall do as I have done. You shall not cover your mustache, nor will you eat the bread of men'” (Ezek. 24:22).

We are faced with two stark choices—one that stands for religious and personal freedom, and one that has already announced a forced mask mandate and crackdown on all citizens with no medical basis but to exercise power. Believers are uniting to go to their state capitols every day at 12 noon to pray and speak out. They are being asked to call their state and national representatives to demand they seat the representatives that reflect the true vote of the electors on Jan. 6. {eoa}

Amir George is at Amir George on Parler and is the author of Liberating Iraq at


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