2018 04 Kim Davis jail

Kim Davis: A Portrait of Redemption and Courage


Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis released her new book, Under God’s Authority: The Kim Davis Story, a true story told in first person that goes behind the scenes to reveal how God gave this unlikely candidate a platform to defend marriage and religious freedom.

For example, this excerpt: “The sun was just rising when I arrived at work a bit before 7 a.m. and encountered a news crew camped outside the Rowan County courthouse. I was still in the parking lot, a few steps from my car, when a reporter yelled, ‘Miss Davis, Miss Davis, do you know what you are going to do?”

In this amazing narrative of redemption and courage, Davis details her personal experience from the moment Kentucky’s former governor refused to provide a religious accommodation, the events that led up to her arrest and release from jail, and when current Governor Matt Bevin provided a religious accommodation and the Kentucky General Assembly unanimously passed the religious accommodation law.

David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders, said, “Knowing her story is key to restoring the Constitution’s First Amendment right of religious conscience for all Americans of faith.”

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said, “It’s a great read. But more than that, this remarkable story of what God did in Kim’s life gives me hope for our nation. I think it will give you hope, too.”

Dr. Michael Brown, host of the “Line of Fire” radio program said, “Her simple act of obedience spoke to the nation more loudly than thousands of compromised pulpits throughout America, thereby provoking the ire of those who oppose the gospel.”

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin said, “When history called upon Kim, she was both ready and willing to respond. Will the same be said of you?” {eoa}

You can order the book online.

For the original article, visit lc.org. {eoa}

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