Roger Stone

Report: Someone Tried to ‘Assassinate’ Trump Ally Roger Stone


Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, Roger Stone—a close ally to President-elect Donald Trump and his former campaign manager—was virtually a constant, appearing on numerous conservative and alternative news sources, including InfoWars, to provide his analysis of the race.

Tuesday, he reported to InfoWars host Alex Jones he was the target of an “assassination attempt”:

I became extremely ill. This manifested itself in over 14 days of high fever, delirium, night sweats, I had lesions on my chest and my face …

The general consensus is I was poisoned. I was poisoned with polonium or a substance that has the characteristics of polonium, and this made me exceedingly ill.

Polonium, discovered in 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie, is both incredibly rare and lethally radioactive—one gram is capable of poisoning 20 million people, of which about 10 million would die. The metal was used most famously in the 2006 murder of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, who had defected to the British MI6.

Litvinenko is believed to have been slipped the substance in a cup of tea. Many undocumented cases of polonium’s use by the Soviet KGB are also rumored, leading to speculation that Stone could have been targeted by Russian agents.

He discounts those claims and points in a different direction:

“I come back to the deep state. I come back to our own people. This is about stopping the Trump agenda. I would blow the whistle on this whole bogus Russian narrative that they just won’t let go of.”

See the entire explanation in the video above. {eoa}


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