Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn (ret.)

Report: How the Intelligence Community ‘Killed’ Mike Flynn


If you aren’t praying for President Donald Trump every day, you should be—and perhaps you’ll start doing so after this.

The president is under attack from all sides by entrenched government establishment officials, “bitter clingers” of the Obama administration and members of the so-called national security apparatus. According to a new report from The Daily Caller, the leaks that led to the resignation of his national security adviser, Mike Flynn, were part of a “deep state” attack coordinated by members of the U.S. intelligence community.

The report states:

The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high-profile, hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials.

“This was a hit job,” charged retired Col. James Williamson, a 32-year Special Forces veteran who coordinated his operations with the intelligence community.

Noting the Obama administration first tried to silence Flynn in 2014 when the former president fired him as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Williamson called Monday’s resignation, “Stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn.”

Click here to read the rest of the report.

But Flynn isn’t the ultimate target of the attacks. Trump is. The Wall Street Journal reports the intelligence community is already withholding information from the president. Shortly after the report was published, #NeverTrump presidential candidate Evan McMullin, a former CIA officer, said they were right to do so because the president is a “security threat.”

The time to pray is now. {eoa}

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