President-elect Donald Trump

Report: Delegates to UN Paris Talks Were Intimidated by President-Elect Trump


President-elect Donald Trump made no secret of his love for Israel or of his plans to strengthen the ties between the U.S. and the Jewish state during the course of the 2016 presidential election.

And after United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted without any attempt by the Obama Administration to block it, Trump was equally vocal about his intent to see that resolution rescinded. He’s even given his support to efforts in Congress to block funding to the U.N. until that happens.

So, we really shouldn’t be surprised when Breitbart News’ Ali Waked reported Monday that in an exclusive interview, Fatah officials said Trump’s positions on Israel likely affected the outcome of last weekend’s Middle East peace summit in Paris. Here’s what was reported:

“Indeed, the outcome of the summit was overall positive, but we expected it to lay out concrete parameters that would translate our resolutions into operative steps, but because the participating governments didn’t want to confront Trump they didn’t go that far,” said Tayseer Nasrallah, a member of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council.

“Declaring a Palestinian State in the 1967 borders, a resolution against the settlements, their commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state … all this is fine and well, but sadly we don’t see a mechanism that would usher in the implementation,” he said. “It’s hard to predict what Trump will do. But based on his election pledges, he is unlikely to be committed to (Secretary of State John) Kerry’s parameters and the Paris resolutions. It’s hard to predict his Middle East policy altogether, including moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, but if that happens, it will definitely give an indication of his ideas regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Nasrallah said that in preparing for the Paris summit “there was excellent coordination between the Palestinian Authority and the Obama administration. There was excellent coordination with France. But again, the question that arises is whether the Trump Administration will allow the community of nations to implement the resolution or not.”

Click here to read the entire report. {eoa}


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