Dr. Lance Wallnau

Prophecy: ‘President Trump Is Walking Through the Cyrus Prophecy as We Speak’


In a video posted to his Facebook and Instagram platforms, Dr. Lance Wallnau discussed how recent news is demonstrating how President Donald Trump is “walking through the Cyrus prophecy” of Isaiah 45 right now.

Noting that the president had absolutely no interest in intervening in Syria until his heart was moved by the sight of suffering and murdered children. In the video above, he explains why God is moving him to get involved, the timing with Passover, and what this means for the future.

Accompanying the video, he wrote:

Notice the timing! We are right now in the Hebrew feast of Passover—but this is no ordinary Passover. In fact, Justice Gorsuch was sworn in on the first night of Passover. This year 2017 is prophetic for God’s people and Israel. They will experience its 50th anniversary of recovering their capital, Jerusalem. The 70th year of their formation as a nation and 100th anniversary of the return of Jews to their Homeland.

The feast of Purim is past—where we prayed for Haman’s plot to be exposed and the illegal surveillance of Trump and team began to trace itself to Susan Rice’s door at the Deptartment of Justice.

The President struck Syria and reset the role of the United States in the world … and in one blow unraveled the political witch hunt seeking to prove he was in Putins back pocket.

Now North Korea is on the front burner. What will happen? I’d like to share what I see in Isaiah 45 that applies to Cyrus Trump!

Wallnau updated with a new post Sunday night, urging his audience to “pray like never before” as God—through President Trump—is resetting America’s relationship with China. All this cost the U.S. nothing, he added.

“You won’t hear this in the news but you need to know how your prayers are being answered,” he wrote. “God is repositioning the United States in the world and did it suddenly.”

Noting the attacks on Trump supporters in Berkeley, Calif., over the weekend, Wallnau added that if Americans can “survive the lunacy on the left,” our nation may see a “period of peace and open doors for business and kingdom diplomacy to advance in the Asian Pacific Rim.” {eoa}


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