Faith Marie Baczko

Prophecy: In America, God Has Supernaturally Prepared a Platform to Serve His Plan for the World


Prophetic preacher, encourager, author and international speaker Faith Marie Baczko wrote recently for The Elijah List that Christians, having shifted into a new spiritual dynamic aligned with the transition to the new Trump Administration, must press in to receive understanding of the Lord’s objectives for the season ahead.

This is vital for our lives, our ministries and our churches, she added.

“Prophetic interpretation of God’s times is a vital function of the prophetic ministry, important for maintaining God’s shalom through our fellowship and in all our movements,” she wrote. “We see in Scripture, recorded throughout Israel’s history, prophets bringing direction to the people of God. Haggai and Zechariah, after Israel’s release from captivity under Cyrus, were commissioned by God to direct the movements of His people and to maintain a unified perspective through an understanding of God’s will.

“It is important to be found moving with God, positioned in the center of His will, for any given period of history as Scripture states, He has seasons and times for everything, ‘To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under Heaven’ (Eccl. 3:1). We must have understanding of God’s movements to be aligned with Him in the purposes He has established for any set boundary of time!”

Baczko wrote that it is important that we listen to “the voices of fathers and mothers who have proven track-records, a faithful history with God, and are honored as such in the Body of Christ.” She added that the kingdom of God is moving into a new season marked by victory, that we should be prepared to align with God’s agenda, and that we must be “ambassadors of peace.”

She concluded:

As I was in prayer, the Lord revealed to me an incredible sense of freedom coming to the Body of Christ and a great release of His people into their prepared destinies. He said we are to: “Be ready to be empowered to accomplish the task set before you!” And He led me to this Scripture:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses telling people about Me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. (Acts 1:8)

Be courageous and move out without fear to accomplish your mandate. El Shaddai will provide the necessary protection and provision to ensure that we are successful! As He Said to Gideon, “…have I not sent you?” (see Judges 6:14).

Click here to read the entire article. {eoa}


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