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Presidential Candidates and Evangelicals Demand Investigation of Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

After a top national leader of Planned Parenthood was caught on tape admitting that the abortion provider harvests and sells unborn children’s organs, national leaders and evangelicals have called for — and gotten — investigations.
“The Department of Justice and the United States Congress should undertake a thorough investigation of this,” said Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The video, he said, proves that Planned Parenthood abortionists are “not health-care providers but pirates and grave-robbers.”
He also wrote a letter to House Speaker John Boehner asking for an investigation, because “vulnerable women and children should be protected from this sort of abusive profiteering.”
The House Republican leadership has announced that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will investigate allegations that Planned Parenthood violated laws banning the trafficking in human organs.
The states of Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Ohio, and Indiana have also announced that they will launch their own investigations to see if the abortion chain has violated state laws.
In an appearance last night on The Kelly File, Sen. Ted Cruz called on attorneys general in all 50 states to follow suit.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said yesterday that he applauded “that the House leadership is directing committees to investigate. The Senate should do the same.”
Senator Ted Cruz has called for an investigation, and Sen. Chuck Grassley has made some initial inquiries to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. But so far Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has remained mum.
Although these are federal crimes, the federal Dept. of Justice has announced no action.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch wrote an amicus brief supporting the legality of partial birth abortion before being named the nation’s top cop.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
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