National Black Pro-Life Coalition Planned Parenthood Protesters

National Black Pro-Life Coalition Asks for President Trump’s help


Recent research by reveals that an overwhelming majority—79 percent—of Planned Parenthood surgical facilities are located within two miles of African American and Latino neighborhoods.

Additionally, the abortion giant is accelerating this targeting of minorities by constructing massive facilities of 10,000 sq. ft. or larger in size. Alarmingly, 88 percent of these “mega-centers” target women of color, according to the research report:

  • 80 percent target black communities,
  • 56 percent target Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods,
  • 80 percent target one or more colleges and
  • 96 percent of the mega-centers target women of color, college women or both.

As a result, the National Black Pro-Life Coalition has written to President Donald Trump, asking that he immediately defund Planned Parenthood and divert some of those resources to help those who are most harmed by the abortion giant’s “genocide campaign.”

“After 44 years of abortion, it is plain to see Planned Parenthood is targeting women of color in order to meet the goals of The Negro Project launched in 1939,” Restoration Project President Catherine Davis said. “Tragically, they are succeeding. Planned Parenthood’s work violates the very principles of civil rights and is steeped in the eugenic population control dogma of their founder, Margaret Sanger.”

Dr. Alveda King added:

“Planned Parenthood smooth-talks themselves into the homes of vulnerable women and takes advantage of them, selling them deadly contraceptives and abortion rather than life-affirming assistance. None of the efforts of my uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., or my dad, the Reverend A. D. King, were directed toward taking the lives of unborn black and brown babies. Their work was always to protect life. Civil rights begins in the womb.”

In 2014 (the latest year their numbers have been published), Planned Parenthood performed 323,999 abortions, almost a third of all the abortions provided that year. It is not difficult to believe most of these abortions were on African-American or Latino children.

Walter B. Hoye II, president of the Issues4Life Foundation, said:

“Keeping the black American community smaller and less powerful reflects the eugenic and genocidal mindset behind the abortion policies advanced by Planned Parenthood. When you understand Planned Parenthood is subsidized by half a billion taxpayer dollars each year, you have to conclude that black American abortions representing 69 times the number of black American homicides are an entirely intended consequence of legalized abortion.”

The Rev. Dean Nelson, president of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, said the report reflects a “national epidemic” that directly impacts major urban areas. He said he hopes Trump will “give attention to this malady as he promises to restore America’s inner cities.” {eoa}


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