Mike Huckabee Disinvited From Jewish Engagement After ‘Hateful’ Transgender Comments


Mike Huckabee’s speech to the Jewish National Fund of Canada was canceled after a petition surfaced begging JNF leadership to reconsider their invitation. “Recent comments by Mr. Huckabee, as reported in the media around the world, show him to spread degrading hatefulness towards and about transgender people,” the petition reads. It also highlights Huckabee’s continued support for the Duggar family after allegations surfaced of Josh Duggar molesting several girls, including some of his sisters. Only 31 people signed the petition, but Huckabee’s speech was still canceled. JNF CEO Josh Cooper told the Canada Jewish News that the petition “had absolutely no impact whatsoever” on canceling the speech. According to JTA, Cooper said Huckabee was initially asked to speak because of his firm pro-Israel stance. The speech was canceled because “the media spotlight has recently focused on Mr. Huckabee’s comments about issues that bear no relevance to JNF or autism.”


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