U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra

Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss?


Outgoing California Attorney General Kamala Harris was an aggressive defender of Planned Parenthood, even breaking the very laws she was sworn to uphold in an effort to persecute and prosecute those who exposed the abortionists’ evil actions.

In January, she will become a U.S. senator, replacing the retiring Barbara Boxer. But Thursday, Gov. Jerry Brown nominated U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), the former chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, to replace Harris.

The liberal mainstream media trumpeted the appointment, which makes Becerra the first Latino to ever hold the post. But, in many ways, he might actually be an even more militant defender of Planned Parenthood and other abortionists in the state.

For starters, Becerra, who was first elected to Congress in 1992, has a lengthy voting record on abortion-related bills:

  • 1993—Co-sponsor of the Freedom of Choice Act, which was meant to “protect the reproductive rights of women” by prohibiting states from restricting abortions.
  • 1999—Voted Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss? on a bill to prohibit transporting minors across state lines to receive an abortion.
  • 2000—Voted no on a bill to ban partial-birth abortions.
  • 2001—Voted no on a bill to prohibit foreign aid for “family planning” that involves abortion services, counseling and advocacy.
  • 2002—Voted no on a bill to provide federal funding for women’s health clinics that do not provide information about abortion.
  • 2003—100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America. Voted no on a bill to prohibit human cloning for medical research. Voted no on a bill to ban partial-birth abortions.
  • 2004—Voted no on a bill to provide criminal penalties for acts that harm an unborn child.
  • 2005—Voted no on a bill to prohibit transporting minors across state lines to receive an abortion. Voted yes on a bill to allow human embryonic stem cell research.
  • 2006—0% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.
  • 2007—Co-sponsor of the Healthy People 2010 Act, which expanded access to and taxpayer funding of contraception, including abortifacient drugs. Voted yes on a bill to expand human embryonic stem cell research.
  • 2011—Voted no on a bill to ban federal health care coverage that includes abortion.
  • 2012—100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America. Voted no on a bill to ban sex-selective abortions.

Harris made headlines earlier this year after it was reported she received thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood at the same time she was investigating the Center for Medical Progress’ investigative videos. She later attempted to prosecute the producers of those videos but took no action against the abortionists.

Becerra represents what is considered a “safe” Democratic district. He won reelection last month with 78.5 percent of the vote. The lowest reelection percentage he’s ever had was in 1994, when he won with “only” 66 percent of the vote.

That hasn’t prevented Planned Parenthood from donating generously to his campaigns. Going into the 2016 campaign, the organization had given him more than $5,500 in direct campaign contributions.

His appointment as attorney general will require confirmation by the California legislature, but that is likely a mere formality. {eoa}


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