Cecile Richards

Mail Bonding? Richards Writes Ryan for Help


The House Speaker may have changed, but Planned Parenthood’s tactics have not. In an odd sort of congratulatory letter, President Cecile Richards reached out to Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) for the first time since his election. In hopes of veering him off his predecessor’s course, Richards spends four pages defending her organization’s baby parts-for-profits ring before asking the new speaker to call off his investigators.

“Despite our cooperation to date,” Richards writes, “a number of the investigative practices undertaken by the committees raise concerns about the impartiality and integrity of their investigations.” After insisting she “has nothing to hide,” Richards went on to complain that at least one video was preemptively leaked to the public. Although some states have already cut ties with Planned Parenthood, Cecile claims her organization has done no wrong. Instead, she tries to turn the tables on the Center for Medical Progress, which has provided hours of compelling evidence that Planned Parenthood may be violating federal law with its sale of fetal tissue.

But if Cecile Richards was hoping for an easier road under Speaker Ryan, his comments prove that Planned Parenthood is in for anything but. In defense of his select committee on the scandal, Ryan was clear: “I don’t think Planned Parenthood should get a red cent from the taxpayer. I’ve always believed that, even before those disgusting videos came out. But I believe we need to do our oversight. We’re just beginning to start a committee to investigate Planned Parenthood. That’s important. So the special committee on Planned Parenthood, I think, should be in the driver’s seat overseeing this process.”

Striking a firm tone, he reminded Richards and all of Planned Parenthood’s allies that conservatives will “push issues where we can push issues. We have to speak truth to power.” At Family Research Council we look forward to helping the new leadership team do exactly that.


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