Julian Assange and Megyn Kelly

Julian Assange Promises to Be Hillary Clinton’s ‘October Surprise’


If you were wondering—given how every day seems to bring a new “surprise” about Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign—what could possibly be the 2016 election’s “October Surprise,” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has a spoiler for you.

It’ll be more “significant” Hillary Clinton documents.

During an interview with FOX News Channel’s Megyn Kelly, Assange said WikiLeaks will be releasing thousands of new pages of documents prior to the Nov. 8 election. He said some will be “interesting” and others will be “entertaining.”

“We’re working around the clock,” he said. “We have received quite a lot of material.”

Kelly wanted to know if the information would be a “game changer” for the November election, but Assange wouldn’t take the bait. Instead, he simply said the new documents’ impact on the presidential race would depend largely on “how it catches fire in the public and in the media.”

“I don’t want to scoop ourselves. We have a lot of pages of material, thousands of pages of material,” he said. “I don’t want to give the game away, but it’s a variety of different types of documents from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign.”

Last month, WikiLeaks dumped 20,000 pages of documents it received from “hacktivists” who broke into the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, exposing how the DNC had tilted the party’s presidential nomination process in Clinton’s favor. The scandal led to then-party chairwoman U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) resigning from her leadership role, and chaos at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

“In the case of the DNC leaks we pushed as fast as we could to try and get it in before the Democratic nomination conference because obviously people have a right to know who they’re nominating,” Assange said. “The same is true here for the people involved in the U.S. electoral process, people involved in that election have a right to understand who they’re electing.”


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