White House security perimeter

Intruder Arrested Trying to Enter the White House


The spiritual warfare against President Donald Trump was escalated to a new level over the weekend when Jonathan T. Tran, 26, of California was arrested after scaling the security fence and attempting to enter the White House.

Tran was described as a “troubled man” who said he was there to “see the president.” He was carrying a backpack at the time he was apprehended just outside the south entrance to the executive mansion. It’s unknown what was inside the backpack.

The president, who was inside the residence at the time of the security breach, later praised the Secret Service, saying they did “a fantastic job” in stopping Tran from entering the White House. The incident prompted former agent Dan Bongino to post a Facebook video message (see above) in which he said:

“Having been a former Secret Service agent, guys and ladies out there, he’s just not safe anymore. And I’m very careful about hyperbolic or overly dramatic statements for effect. I promise you I’m not doing that. I’ve always been very careful in the past in my criticisms of what is still a great agency and a great bunch of guys. But it’s being run by a bunch of people who—I’m being honest with you folks—have no idea what they are doing.

“They are doing things they did 20 or 30 years ago and expecting different results. I’m not surprised at all that another person breached the White House security perimeter. They’re securing the White House almost in the same way they did it 20 years ago with a couple technical changes and tinkers around the edges.

“Not to mention, you have a uniformed division—remember the uniformed division and the Secret Service side are completely separate—a uniformed division that morale is destroyed. They can’t keep good people. The agent side is hemorrhaging its best people. I can tell you 20 or 30 friends who have all this intellectual capability to handle protective operations, but we’ve already let them resign.”

See the video above the rest of his comments. But, they are a firm reminder that we should be praying daily over the safety of President Trump and his family. {eoa}


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