Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson: Pro-Abortion Forces Want to Water-Down President Trump’s Religious Liberty Rule (2)


Late Friday, Dr. James Dobson issued a call to action to his millions of listeners around the country, urging them to contact President Trump in order to convince him to not allow his religious liberty health care rule to be “watered down” by pro-abortion activists.

The following is his email message, obtained by Charisma Caucus:

News broke this week that President Trump and the Department of Health & Human Services are close to issuing a new regulation that could finally end the years-long controversy over the HHS contraception and abortifacient mandate. The Obama administration tried to force even religious employers to provide free access to abortifacient drugs in their employee health plans. This is why hundreds of Christian employers, including Family Talk and the Little Sisters of the Poor, filed lawsuits to protect their religious liberty.

The reported regulation would make good on President Trump’s promise to vigorously protect religious liberty. It acknowledges freedom of conscience has long been a cornerstone of our nation and admits that the government had no grounds to force Christian employers to provide access to abortion-causing drugs. Under the proposed rule, any employer with a sincere religious objection is exempt from the abortifacient mandate.

The regulation creating this exemption is not final yet. We know that pro-abortion forces will campaign to water-down the draft regulation. We can’t let that happen.

First, pray that God would give strength and wisdom to the people involved.

Second, contact President Trump and Health & Human Services Secretary Tom Price and thank them for protecting religious liberty and urge them to promulgate this regulation.

Make phone calls, send emails and spread the word on social media that we, the American people, stand with this administration in supporting this vitally important regulation. {eoa}


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