Donald Trump

Donald Trump: ‘Hillary Clinton Started It, I Ended It’


If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, there is one absolute fact in the 2016 presidential election: The liberal mainstream media desperately wants to take down Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

So, when he called a special press conference at his brand-new Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., at which he promised to make a statement about the five-year-old “Obama birther” controversy, they bit like a catfish on a crawdad. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News—they were all there with cameras rolling.

Trap sprung, the presidential candidate instead rolled out a number of former military flag officers, and Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients who announced their endorsements (more on that in a forthcoming article). For more than 20 minutes, these military heroes explained why Donald Trump would be best suited for the presidency over his Democratic Party counterpart, Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, the live broadcasts continued. And, just before they were about to cut the feed—realizing they had been played—Trump came back to the stage to give them what he promised: a statement about President Obama’s status as a natural born citizen.

This is what they got:

Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it; you know what I mean. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

The two parts of the statement one should concern themselves with are these:

  • “Hillary Clinton started it” – As FOX News’ Todd Starnes pointed out, Clinton aide Mark Penn wrote a March 19, 2007, memorandum questioning President Obama’s heritage. You can read it by clicking here.
  • “I finished it” – This is a reference to Trump’s unrelenting pressure on the president to make public a long-form version of his birth certificate. The president did so and the White House declared the matter had been concluded.

While many will continue to have their thoughts on the controversy for many years to come, Trump made it clear Friday he’s no longer involved in it.


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