Charlie Gard's parents look at their son.

Activist Mommy: What’s Happening to Charlie Gard Can Happen Here, Too


The case of 11-month-old Charlie Gard has been making headlines around the globe, with religious leaders rallying support for the British baby.

Charlie’s parents Chris Gard and Connie Yates, are seeking to bring him to America for experimental treatment for a rare genetic condition called Mitochondrial Depletion Syndrome. It’s known to cause brain damage and muscle weakness.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) last week denied their request to seek treatment in the United States.

Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the Activist Mommy, discussed the case on Thursday’s Prayerlink show. She says the type of government overreach in Baby Charlie Gard’s case can happen in America.

Johnston is encouraging Christians to pray for Charlie using the hashtag #PrayforCharlie.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Theresa May supports the court ruling, stating her support for the opinions of the doctors at Great Ormond Street, where Gard is being held, who say it’s time to remove his life support and allow him to die. {eoa}

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