How A.R. Bernard Responded When Asked Point-Blank if Trump Was Getting Into Heaven


Point-blank, Samantha Bee asked the question of Pastor A.R. Bernard: “Is Donald Trump going to heaven?”

After an apparent sarcastic laugh, Bernard, the pastor of Christian Cultural Center in New York, told Bee, “I cannot say who will or will not go to heaven.” Bee shook her head and retorted, “No way.”

And while Bernard may have given the biblically correct answer to Bee’s final question, his entire interview with Bee on her program Full Frontal, titled “Samantha Bee goes to church,” was laced with sarcasm and mockery of God, evangelicals and Trump, all in the name of Bee’s attempt to get a laugh.

And Bernard played right along throughout the interview.

“It seems like a lot of evangelical leaders are comfortable using Donald Trump, who is really a heathen, as a cudgel in the cultural war. And, they seem very comfortable with that,” Bee said to Bernard, who laughed and repeated the word “heathen.”

In the opening monologue, Bee, who has made a living out of belittling Trump since he announced he was running for president in 2015, ironically asked her audience of Bernard, “Who is this beacon of godly principle in these ungodly times?” She said she had to “step out of her comfort zone and into church” to find out.

With a statement like that, one might surmise that Bee does not attend church regularly.

Mocking Church

The Full Frontal segment began with Bee entering a church and hearing a voice. She looked to heaven and thought it was God, but it was only Bernard speaking from the balcony.

She opened the interview by telling Bernard, who accepted a position on Trump’s evangelical council but resigned after a couple of months, “I want to physically vomit when I hear Donald Trump talk about Jesus. I feel like there is so much vomit inside of me that I want to blow my eyeballs out of my head.”

And once again, Bernard played right along, saying, “I hope you have a lot of reserve vomit, because there is a lot to observe as long as he is in office. He doesn’t come across as someone who legitimately knows the Bible.”

The segment also included a video that featured the 10 Commandments, many being crossed out as they related to the actions of Trump and his evangelical council.

Watch the full video of Bee’s interview with Bernard above. {eoa}


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