Gov. Fallin Includes Churches in Oklahoma’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law


Citizens of Oklahoma now have the right to use deadly force in church to protect themselves, courtesy of Gov. Mary Fallin’s signing of House Bill 2632 Monday. reported that the bill, part of the state’s so-called “Stand Your Ground” law, “adds places of worship to the list of locations where Oklahoma citizens have a right to expect absolute safety.” A person’s home and their place of business already are part of that list.

Several church shootings have taken place in the United States in the past three years, including those in Charleston, South Carolina; near Nashville, Tennessee; and Sutherland Springs Texas, where 26 people were killed in November 2017. reported that, under the law, “someone can use deadly force against anyone who enters a church “unlawfully or forcefully. It is also reported that Fallin is “considering whether she will sign a separate gun bill allowing people to carry firearms publicly without a license or training.” {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is a content development editor at Charisma Media.


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