Former OSU Wrestler Sets Record Straight About Rep. Jim Jordan


Mark Coleman, former student-athlete and former assistant wrestling coach at The Ohio State University, clarified comments attributed to him that were not accurate or were misconstrued by media outlets.

“At no time did I ever say or have any direct knowledge that Jim Jordan knew of Dr. Richard Strauss’s inappropriate behavior,” said Coleman. “I have nothing but respect for Jim Jordan as I have known him for more than 30 years and know him to be of impeccable character.”

The Ohio State University is investigating claims by student-athletes of abuse by Strauss, the sports doctor for numerous teams for nearly two decades. Rep. Jordan, R-Ohio, was a former assistant wrestling coach from 1986-1994.

Mr. Coleman is also distancing himself from the primary accuser in the case, Mike DiSabato, who has brought several lawsuits against OSU in recent years.

“Mike DiSabato and his PR representative have released information and made statements publicly without my authorization and, in my opinion, are using them to exploit and embarrass The Ohio State University,” said Coleman.

“I am distancing myself from Mike DiSabato, as he is not my manager and does not speak for me. I am also disappointed with many of the public statements made by Mr. DiSabato and his personal attacks on individuals employed by the university and others.

“I was a victim of Dr. Strauss and like many others, I wish to cooperate with the investigation to see that whatever justice is available is achieved,” Coleman said. {eoa}


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