A sign supporting Roy Moore for Senate.

Faith Leaders Rally Around Roy Moore


Faith2Action President Janet Porter hosted a press conference Thursday afternoon for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore.

F2A presented Moore with a letter signed by pro-family supporters, stating:

We stand with Judge Roy Moore, a man of integrity who has never wavered from his valiant defense of the unborn, the Ten Commandments and the Constitution.

We are confident the voters of Alabama will not be fooled by suspiciously timed accusations without evidence, and will reject the politics of personal destruction led by the Washington Post. If the media lynch mob and establishment politicians are allowed to ambush Judge Roy Moore, then they will destroy anyone who gets in their way. We stand with Roy Moore.

Moore has been accused of having several sexual encounters with young women about 40 years ago.

In statements on Twitter, Moore says:



At Thursday’s press conference, Moore was joined by Porter, Dr. Steven Hotze, Dr. Alan Keyes of Renew America, Andy Schlafly of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, Pastor Stephen Broden, Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter and Flip Benham of Operation Rescue.

“When Gideon of the Bible needed encouragement, God told him to go and listen to what the enemy was saying about him. I say the same thing to the voters of Alabama.” Porter says. “Not sure who to vote for? Just look at who the enemy is firing at the hardest. He’s the guy you want.”

Faith2Action is the pro-active launching pad for the pro-family movement, according to their website. Faith2Action provides pro-active, strategic and unified ways to advance the cause of Christ and the kingdom of God.


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