March For Life Protesters

#ProtestPP Rallies Planned Around the Country on Saturday


With the effort to defund Planned Parenthood well under way in Washington, D.C., and state capitals around the country, citizens across the U.S. will gather outside more than 200 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in 44 states on Saturday to “#ProtestPP.”

“Planned Parenthood’s brand is at an all-time low and their leadership reflects how disconnected they are from science and basic American values,” 40 Days for Life President Shawn Carney said. “This weekend, thousands of Americans will stand in peaceful opposition to send a message that abortion is not health care and as the nation’s largest abortion operation, Planned Parenthood should not get $1 of taxpayer money, much less $430 million.

“The federal government has been subsidizing Planned Parenthood to the tune of more than $430 million annually. This, at the same time that the nation’s largest abortion provider holds $500 ticket fundraisers and charges a woman about $500 to abort her baby. On top of that, after Planned Parenthood’s baby body part trafficking scandal, taxpayers are sickened to see their money spent in support of these atrocities.”

The protests will focus on four primary issues:

  • The 34 percent of U.S. abortions performed by Planned Parenthood underscores the fact that they are not a general health care service provider.
  • Fraudulent Medicaid claims, fetal tissue harvesting and documented health code violations show Planned Parenthood’s systemic disregard for accountability to taxpayers.
  • Planned Parenthood exaggerates their role in women’s health care. The organization actually provides less than 2 percent of manual breast exams, fewer than 1 percent of Pap tests, and 0 percent of mammograms, annually.
  • Moving Planned Parenthood’s funding to federally qualified health centers will offer women and their families a wider range of health care services and a higher standard of care.

Click here to find the protest closest to your home. Times will vary based on the location.

Other groups involved in these events include Pro-Life Action League, Created Equal, Susan B. Anthony List and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society. Participants will speak out against the nation’s largest abortion chain, which kills more than 300,000 unborn babies each year, and at the same time will encourage Congress to strip Planned Parenthood of nearly a half-billion dollars of taxpayer funding.

“Americans want to end taxpayer funding of abortion—that includes stopping taxpayer funding for the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood and ensuring any Obamacare replacement is pro-life and does not allow tax dollars or tax credits to pay for health care plans that include abortion,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Planned Parenthood is a profit-driven, abortion-centered business that has performed more than 300,000 abortions in the last three years for which data are available.

“They do not need or deserve taxpayer dollars, and redirecting their federal funding to rural and community health centers would be a victory for women’s health. These comprehensive clinics outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities 20 to 1 nationwide and provide far more services.

“The majority of Americans want taxpayer funding to go to real women’s health care, not abortion. This Saturday, that majority will let their voices be heard at #ProtestPP gatherings nationwide.” {eoa}


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