Donald Trump

Marine Veteran: That’s Not What Donald Trump Said


When the liberal mainstream media is determined to push a narrative to help Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, they don’t usually care about who they run over in the process.

Such was the case Monday, after her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, answered a Marine Corps veteran’s question about PTSD the media portrayed as denigrating toward combat veterans. Soon, Trump was being vilified on every mainstream outlet for demeaning veterans who are suffering as a result of their service.

Except they forgot to ask the guy who asked the original question in the first place what he thought of the answer. Had they done so, they might have gotten an entirely different story—and they had a narrative to advance.

Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Robichaux, who served eight combat tours in Afghanistan, suffered from PTSD as a result of his service. As founder and president of Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs in Temecula, Calif., he has worked to help others suffering from PTSD through a more holistic approach.

“After eight combat tours in Afghanistan I came home and was diagnosed with PTSD, and I struggled with it,” he said. “Since my own recovery I’ve been privileged to help 1,100 veterans who have graduated from our program, none of whom have committed suicide since graduating. It’s a very important issue to me, which is why I was thankful for the opportunity to ask Mr. Trump about it directly.”

And while Robichaux appreciated Trump’s response, he didn’t exactly like the media’s attempts to distort what was said.

“I think it’s sickening that anyone would twist Mr. Trump’s comments to me in order to pursue a political agenda,” he said. “I took his comments to be thoughtful and understanding of the struggles many veterans have, and I believe he is committed to helping them.

“The nature of my question focused on a broken system that’s failing so many of our veterans and, as president, would Mr. Trump take a more holistic approach to health care for veterans. I interpreted his answer to affirm that the system is broken and he would take the necessary steps to address it.”


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