The Rev. Dr. Art Lindsley

FRC Panel to Discuss the Implications of Biblical Freedom Today


The Family Research Council will host a lecture at 12 p.m. EST that will explore the full ramifications of biblical freedom as it would apply to the U.S.

The Rev. Dr. Art Lindsley, vice president of theological initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, will give a speech titled “Free Indeed: The Biblical View of Freedom and its Economic, Political and Religious Implications” at the FRC headquarters in Washington, D.C. The event will also be livestreamed.

At the IFEW, Lindsley oversees the development of a biblical theology that integrates faith, work, and economics. In his talk, the theologian and author will explain the biblical view of freedom and how it differentiates from other secular views.

FRC issued the following statement about the event:

Throughout human history, people of all cultures have sought freedom. Many religious and political views emphasize a freedom from all constraints. The biblical view of freedom paradoxically involves throwing off the bondage of sin and becoming a servant of Christ. In fact, the Christian ideal state of living includes more than just an experience of inner freedom, it involves an external effort to promote the freedom and flourishing of others …

[Lindsley] will further discuss the societal implications of the biblical view of freedom on the political, economic, and religious spheres. In particular, he will explain how free market principles of private property, limited government, and the freedom to innovate are grounded in biblical freedom.

Dr. Lindsley will challenge those who adhere to these biblical values to follow their external implications and work toward a flourishing society.

Click here to register for the livestream of the lecture.


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